Thursday 15 August 2013

Perfect timing

One of the hardest things for me as a Christian is to see how God is at work in my life. Most of the time, it seems that He isn't there at all. But occasionally, He does something so amazing that it takes away any doubt that He is at work. And last week, something like that happened.

After staying at the Travelodge on the M4 services near Reading, I was ready to continue my journey to camp at Quantock Lodge in Somerset. Before I left, I filled up my car. When I wanted to pay for the petrol with my car, the terminal showed the dreaded message 'card declined'. They didn't accept Maestro and I didn't have enough cash on me to pay for the petrol. The cash machine at the petrol station was out of order so I had to walk back to the main service area to find a cash machine there. Back at the main services area, all the cash machines displayed the same message: 'Transaction declined. Please take your card'. I just checked my bank balance and I had enough funds in my account to pay for it, but I had the wrong card. So, there I was. I had just filled my car up with petrol, but with no means to pay for it. I had a bit of a problem. Petrol station owners do not like people who take their petrol and then find out they can't pay for it. As I was preparing what I would say, I was thinking what they would do. Would they call the police and have me arrested? Would they make me work there to pay off my debt? Would they allow me to pay by bank transfer? Anyways, it was  time to go back to the petrol station and explain that I couldn't pay for my petrol. As I tried one last time to get money out of the cash machine, I heard my name. As I turned around, I saw Karen, the head cook of the camp I was going to, and her mother. I can't describe how glad I was to see them there. I explained the situation to her and she was willing to lend me the money. I went back to the petrol station to pay for my petrol and went back to have a drink with Karen and Shirley. After half an hour it was time for me to head off as I needed to pick someone up in Taunton on my way to Quantock Lodge.

Some people will say it's all just a lucky coincidence. I don't buy that. This is clearly God at work. I needed to see that God is active in my life and He did that in a way that I can't ignore. He allowed me to get into an awkward position and sent someone I knew to help me out. This is not coincidence. It's God showing He is still looking after me.

By the way, camp was great. It was a privilege to work with the people I worked with and to serve the boys in my dorm and to tell them about Jesus. I had a blast and am already missing them. Tomorrow it's back to work again and normal life resumes.

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